Wednesday, January 23, 2008


OK So I have been in Seville for 4 days now and I love it! It is SO BEAUTIFUL here! And my senora is SO CUTE!!!! She is such a good cook too! She is trying to fatten me up because she thinks I dont eat enough! I think she is the first person to ever think that! haha So ya what have I done since my last blog...

Ok well I got here and moved in and started orientation for school. I live in a really nice place especially for an apartment! I live with one other american student, Dolores (host mom) and her daughter Maria del Mar, who is 38 I think. And I don't share anything with anyone! I have my own room and my own bathroom! I am supposed to be sharing with Maria del Mar but I dont see any of her stuff in there so I dont know! We have a dog named Sugar who is very cute but already chewed up something of mine! I was not too thrilled. OH! And one of the best parts of spanish life it this table that has a heating coil under it! So there is a big blanket-like table cloth over the table and you just put it over your lap and you get all warm and toasty! I LOVE IT! haha

So we have not done too much yet. We have spanish lessons every day and some other kind of Seville excursion or something to do. We did go to this big Cathedral and climb to the top of the bell tower and I could see the entire city! It was SO GORGEOUS! But then the bell rang and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! haha

I am excited to start school and stuff and I cant wait to travel! After I type this I am going to walk around in the centro and window shop! YAY!

Love and miss you all!

OH and my cell phone number is 034-692-870-294 (034 is the country code) but call me with a calling card or on skype! LOVES!

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