Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Hey guys! So lets update from before. Last night in Valencia we went out and had "agua de Valencia" (their fruity version of a long island... SO GOOD!) But then they charged us 45 EUROS for it! And it was a tiny pitcher! So we complained, they gave us some money back and gave us a free bottle of champagne. But since it was a monday night the only bar open was a pub filled with old men! So we talked to them, in spanish, for about an hour which was quite amusing and kind of difficult! We also talked to the drunk owner for a while. Then we got lost trying to get back to the hotel. We asked this guy for directions and we figured out where to go but he ended up walking us back to the hotel since the city is kind of dangerous and full of pick pockets. (We were fine, there were 4 of us). So I thought this was SO nice of him, but it turns out he wanted more than just a thank you from me. haha it was funny but my friends and I got inside and laughed hilariously about it!

The next day we drove all day to Granada and saw a Flamenco show which was incredible! There were a bunch of asian tourist there who fell asleep during the show! it was really funny! Today in Granada we went to the Cathedral where Ferdinand and Isabel are buried and to the Alhambra which was VERY cool but it was kind of gross out. But we managed! (I was cold!)

Tomorrow we go to Costa del Sol... THE BEACH! so hopefully its pretty! yay! I also bought my plane tickets today for my first European excursion to see Frede and Ilona in Berlin! YAY! I'm so excited! More later! Email me and keep me posted on the happenings of your lives!

Muchos besos! (Many kisses!)

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