Sunday, January 13, 2008

And now I am in Valencia!

Hola amigos! I have been in Spain for a few days now and its gorgeous! We have seen more cathedrals and monasteries than anyone would ever want to! But they are all SO GORGEOUS! So far, of the places we have been, I would pick Toledo to live. IT IS SO AMAZING! SO GORGEOUS! It is this little town surrounded by a river and its just the cutest thing ever! When we were there we climbed to the top of this big hill with huge rocks on top and could see almost the entire city! It was unreal! There is nothing like this in the states. I love the traveling but I cant wait to get settled in Seville. I don't think I have quite adjusted to the time yet. I am so sleepy! haha and the food is kind of hard to get used to, especially the breakfast! but I am working on it. I am also working on my Spanish because I am quickly learning that mine SUCKS! haha I dont know when I will have internet again but I love and miss you all and appreciate any and all emails, messages and posts!



Blake Sunshine said...

Sounds amazing! Keep having fun

JillianMay said...

I love reading your blog! Its like your hear telling me the story yourself. Glad you are having fun! I hope you have a billion more crazy adventures. MISS YOU xoxo