Monday, January 28, 2008

Mi Senora!

So... my senora Dolores is kind of crazy! I love her... but she is so funny sometimes! First of all, she thinks I don’t eat enough when I am eating more at each meal than any person should. I mean honestly, I make a bit of a pig of myself. Then, she is OBSESSED with my clothes being ironed and hung up. She won’t let it go. I have been here only a week and I think she has told me at least 4 or 5 times that all of my clothes need to be hung up so they won’t get wrinkled. If she sees something in my room that is too wrinkled she will steal it and iron really quickly and then put it back. She gets upset when there is a fabric she can’t iron or she can’t get one wrinkle out of something. She will show me and say, it’s so bad, it’s so ugly, and I can’t get it out! haha She literally irons everything! I think she may iron my underwear! It’s a bit overkill. haha And today, it was almost 6 pm and my bed wasn’t made. I was about to go sit on it to study some Spanish and get on the computer but she wouldn’t let me until she made it. She told me I wouldn’t sleep well if it weren’t made.

Also, I don’t know if it’s because I am new or that my Spanish kind of sucks, but she doesn’t let me do anything around the house on my own. If I reach for something on the table she will move it right next to me so I won’t have to. But if Jennifer (the other American living here who has been here since sept) reaches for something she doesn’t move it. When I asked for more toilet paper for my bathroom, she showed me where to get some and then she took it and put more in there. I tried to and she wouldn’t let me. It can be nice but sometimes I just want to do things for myself. It can get a bit absurd. Sometimes I try to help her in the kitchen with something and she will take me by the hand and sit me down at the table and turn the tv on for me. Today, when I was on my bed, I was barefoot and she told me my feet were too cold so she tucked me into my bed while I was working on my computer.

Some of it is nice, and I'm not complaining... it’s just hilarious! Another example of her oddity: there are 2 plates she won’t let us eat off of b/c they are “ugly” aka worn a bit, faded and scratched. But they are not good enough to eat on. AND last night we had croquettes (little fried balls with stuff inside) and I took one that she said was too ugly for me to eat so she tried to take it off my plate so I would take a pretty one! (I didn’t let her, I wanted the “ugly” one) haha so ya! that’s my senora as I know her so far!

Ill add a picture of her later!

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