Monday, February 18, 2008


So I just spent the weekend in Berlin with Frede and Ilona and it was FABULOUS!!! Here is the summation of the weekend:

Thurs – Get there!!! YAY! Go find Alli who just HAPPENED to be there the same time I was, and we sat and had some German beer. Then we went to a bar that was retro of what was typical East Berlin style. It was really hippy and weird and I liked it! The best part though was this man who was dressed like an Indian, braids, headband, and all! HE WAS SMOKING A 4FT LONG JOINT! It was the funniest thing I think I have ever seen… you know… weed related! Haha And he walked around offering it to everyone in the bar! When he got to a kid near us he asked to see his passport before he offered it to him b/c he thought he looked too young! Haha

Fri – We walked ALL OVER! First we went to the Alex tower, the central point of what was East Berlin. Then we went to a chocolate place (German choc = YUM!), and the Brandenburger gate, and the Berlin equivalent to the White House, and Checkpoint Charlie (the checkpoint for passage b/w East/West Berlin. Lunch/Dinner at an Indian restaurant where we got yelled at by a big German bald man for being too loud (which we weren’t!) The we took some pics in a photo booth which are SO CUTE!!!!

That night we went to see a movie that was part of the Berlinale (Berlin Intl Film Festival). It was a Japanese movie about gay men in Japan. It was odd… good, but odd w/ WAY to many crotch shots! Haha But the coolest part was that the director, composer, and one of the lead actors were sitting in the row behind us! I got a pic with the actor!

Sat – We were all so tired! So we eventually got up and had “breakfast” at noon. But it was the BEST BREAKFAST I have had so far in Europe. (scrambled eggs, 3 kinds of ham, 3 kinds of cheese, fruit and yogurt, tomato w/ mozzarella, bread, butter, and jam! SO DELICIOUS) The we went to the Jewish Museum which is HUGE and very cool! Someone could spend ALL DAY in there! Then we went back to the house, but first we got some Currywurst for me to try! (Yay for German sausage!) haha

Ilona had to leave so Frede and I relaxed for a bit and then went out for Sushi! YUM! Then we went to another cool local bar where the waiter did NOT like us. But we were so tired we started falling asleep! So we headed back for about half an hour before I had to leave for my 6am flight.

Why I booked that flight I have NO CLUE! SO MUCH FUN! And I cant wait to go visit the rest of the Hassels fam in May!

OH, and it was FREEZING! It had been really warm the weekend before and dropped right before I got there so I was so cold! There were times when we each had on 5+ layers! Such a hassle to get out the door! Haha

1 comment:

Alli Bloom said...

LOOOOOVED seeing you in Berlin. Hope you had an amazing time, sounds like it! How great was the Jewish Museum! Can't wait to see you again! Yay for meeting up in Europe!