Sunday, April 20, 2008


Last night Cindy and I went to a Seville futbol game! I have been wanting to go since I got here! I was a lot of fun! It would have been more fun had we won and had it NOT been raining.... but oh well! It was still cool to see! Next Seville must.. bullfighting!

Seville socer field!
Everyone with their umbrellas
A team member getting on the bus!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Casa Anselma

So Thurs night we went to Casa Anselma which is an AMAZING Flamenco bar in Triana (the neighborhood next to where I live). It was soooo cool. I have seen Flamenco a lot, and even though my favorite was Feria, as for shows, this one wins!

It was so much more authentic and had crowd participation and stuff. At one point a blind guy got up and sang and he was precious! Plus, Anselma (bar owner) is from Dolores's home town and knows her son-in-laws family and stuff! So I felt I had a connection even if it was a stretch! haha I loved it!

Here is a video of some people dancing flamenco at Anselma!! (ps - I know how to do that dance!) :-)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Last night of Feria

So last night was a great last night of Feria for me! Me and 2 or my friends went to my room to have a botellon and we could see all of Feria! IT WAS GORGEOUS from way up high! So bright and colorful!!! Then we headed off to Feria.

There we met up with Grace and Jen and Graces friends. One of which was a guy named Jake. He did the Wells program 4 years ago and lived with my friend Grace's senora.

Turns out he is from Austin Texas.
Turns out he is Jewish.
Turns out we know a lot of the same people.
Turns out he is my friends older brother!!!

It was so bizarre!!! We were just talking about who we knew and he says... oh your my brothers age and I asked who is brother was and I knew him! It was all just so weird! But we all hung out all night and had a blast! It was me, Ashlee, Nicole, Grace, Jen, Jake, Jake's friend, Grace's French brother Alex, and Jen's friend Aaron. It was a lot of fun and a great last night!!!

Tonight, fireworks from the fairgrounds which I will watch from my roof.
Tomorrow... back to school.. BOOO!!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008


So this week is Feria de Abril which means no school! YAY! I have been to like 3 days of school in the past 3 or 4 weeks! SO CRAZY! haha But so what Feria is is half a normal fair with rides and attractions and stuff and the other half is thousands of tents where there is food and drink and Flamenco all night every night! Its so much fun!

You have to know someone though b/c the tents are private. Luckily and friend of mine has an in at a few tents so we go where she goes!

Also, since I have been taking a Flamenco class I can actually dance with the Spaniards! Its so much fun! And there is a special drink for Feria called Rebujito. Its a weird wine with sprite... its REALLY good!

Its also really cool to see all the girls all dressed up in Flamenco dresses! They are all SO gorgeous!!! Its Spain at its BEST!!! And its really cool when people grab guitars and start playing and singing real flamenco instead of playing a tape! Thats my favorite!!!

This is the dress I wore last night. It is one of Dolores's daughters old ones. Its definitely NOT the hottest most modern dress but it was a dress and it was free and I liked it! It was fun to pretend to be Spanish!!! I was in the dress and dancing flamenco and speaking spanish!!! YAY!!!! I have been to Feria every night this week!! I love even just sitting and listening and watching!!! I know I will tire of it by the end of it but right now I LOVE IT!!! Its SOO cool! I think we should do it in America! haha

Monday, April 7, 2008

Catch up time

ok so for any of yall who still read this:

SEMANA SANTA: This was very cool and very strange. It rained when I got back from London until Thurs. BUT that was the BIG night anyway so ya... Cindy and her friend and I went to see the Triana procession, and even though some spaniards got a bit uppity about being crowded it was pretty cool. The people that wear the pointed hats and looked like the KKK scared me a bit at first but were just interesting by the end. During the processions, people carry "Pasos." These are HUGE antique floats covered in big wooden figures, candles, flowers, canopies and whatever else that are carried but a minimum of about 40 men. Its pretty crazy to see them carry it!
The next day I went with Dolores to see the Triana procession again during the day. Then I went to see MY FAM!!!!
I took a cab to their hotel, and as we drove up i got a call from my mom telling me they were stuck in Madrid! OY! So I went home for a nap. Then I went to see them! I WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY TO SEE THEM!!! I just wanted to hug them all day! But instead we went to Miguel's house, Dolores's ex husband, to see a procession. We missed it but they got to meet everyone. Then I took them around town a bit and to the centro to get some tapas at a bar. When we got to the centro there was a procession going on and it was really cool! It was the first my family had seen and they were impressed. After fighting our way through the crowd we managed to get into a bar to eat. It was yummy! Then we had to fight out way back through to get to place for them to catch a cab. On the way we ran into some friends, so carly and I went with them to watch some flamenco.

Then next day I showed them around the centro during the day. We saw the cathedral and tried to see alcazar but the line was too long. Then we just walked around a bit, saw Blake, Elissa, and Jen for about 30 sec and went back for lunch. Dolores made us a HUGE lunch and it was DELICIOUS!!! Then we were off to Barcelona!

BARCELONA & ITALY!: In Barcelona we saw the Gaudi architecture which was pretty freakin cool! It looked like a dripping candle or something! So strange! We also saw the Picasso museum, Dahli museum and "jewish qt." It was all very cool, except the jewish qtr that was just a dark alley with nothing jewish we could see.

the next day was ROMA! And even though it was raining and freezing it was cool! We saw the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and the rest of the old city of Rome. That night we went to wonderful restaurant where the waiters were really funny and were goofing off with us b/c we were being very loud and silly! The next day we saw Vatican City, had a WONDERFUL lunch, and went to a castle, piaza nuvou, the Pantheon, Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps. Trevi was probably my favorite part of Rome. We stayed there for a while and took TONS of pics! We loved it!
The next day we went to Pompeii. If you ever have a chance to go there DO IT! Its so cool. Its not ruins, its a totally preserved ancient city! There were even whole preserved bodies! It was crazy. There was also fast food places, shops, houses, and brothels with paintings or the services you could request! SO FUNNY! Then we ended up a really crappy place for lunch where the owner made us eat all of the lentil soup we ordered b/c they were the "most famous lentils" available. OY!

Then we were off to FLORENCE! I loved this city. We went to see the David which is HUGE! I had no idea it was 15 ft tall! It was really cool to see! We also saw the Duomo and the Cathedral which was incredible from the outside! It was so colorful and intricate. We also saw the Birth of Venus and others at the Ufizzi. After we were done touring we went back to the hotel and go our room which wasnt ready before. So Carly Ari and I were given a room fit for a princess! There were 2 sets of big wooden double doors to get in, a chandelier, a gorgeous wooden mirror and a big bathroom! Plus it was right next to the breakfast area! So convenient! That night we just went to dinner b/c it was rainy and gross.
The next day was PISA and LUCCA! We got to climb the leaning tower of Pisa! It was so funny because you would just be climbing and all of the sudden you would just fall to one side! Then you would even out and fall to the other! In Lucca we rode bikes around the city to see the sites. I had more fun on the bike than I probably should have! I could have just ridden around all day! It was SO beautiful there and so much fun! And it was here in Lucca that my dad and I got A 7 SCOOP CONE OF GELATO... EACH!!! and we both devoured them! YUM!! That night we went to La Giostra, which had an amazing atmosphere and food! The best part though was that Ari had a piece of veal that was bigger than her head! IT WAS GIANT! and hilarious!

The next day was VENICE!!!!! We were all SO excited for Venice, esp Carly. When we get off the train and walk outside, where there would normally be a street to catch a cab, there was the canal! SO COOL! But the nas we are about to take a water taxi to our hotel, we find out our hotel is on the outskirts of the city. Its not even in Venice, not to mention... it was a bit crappy! Esp after the other one in Florence! So after we make our way back out there, drop our stuff, and take the 30-45 min bus ride back into Venice, we finally get to tour. We grab some lunch and tour St Marks Cathedral in St marks Sq, and the Dodge Palace and jsut walk around a bit. I didnt feel very good and we headed back after dinner.
The next day was amazing though. It was totally free for whatever we wanted to do. We got up and headed to the first jewish ghetto and saw same GORGEOUS temples, then we just walked around and shopped all day! When we got tired we took a Gondola ride which was AMAZING!!!!!! Dinner that night was also amazing and the whole day was just a great end to the trip!

Saying goodbye was hard. I didnt want to leave my family. I wanted them to stay and for Daniel to come. We missed him throughout the whole trip. But I had a lot to do since I missed a week of class. But when I got back I had no make up work! It was crazy! Oh well!

Then this past weekend I met Blake, Jen and Elissa in Amsterdam! And that was a blast! Thurs night we met Lindsey and went to the Red Light District which was INSANE! It was weird to see these women working their windows but also eating dinner or texting on their phones! So funny! Then next day we saw the Anne Frank house, had pancakes from the pancake bakery, went to a Spanish Portuguese Temple, The Jewish History museum, The Dutch resistance museum (which I loved! It was all about the strikes and stuff the Dutch did on behalf of the Jews), and then we went to the Sex Museum which was just strange! That night Blakes uncle and cousin took us to dinner. It was Indonesian and yummy!

The next day we went to the Van Gogh museum and when we got back we had a British roommate named Ned! (Or Nedward, or Dennis haha). Then her uncle took us out to the countryside to see tulips, and even though they weren't in bloom the flowers that were there were GORGEOUS!!! Then we went to some island which was weird where we sat and had coffee and apple pie and stuff. That night we went to dinner with Elissa, her friend, their 5 hostel roommates and Ned. Then we went to a comedy show called Boom Chicago where they picked on Ned a bit. It was funny, not hilarious, but funny!

Now I am back in Seville and its Feria de Abril! And I'm so excited because it ANOTHER week off, a fair, and a whole lot of culture experiences jsut waiting to unfold! YAY! Cant wait!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


sorry guys! i have been bad! I will soon update about:

Semana Santa